Now that is a true service: a week later and they have arrived (and they are looking good). And don't worry: I'll try to keep up the banner of Dark Sword Miniatures up here in Belgium.

Adult Land Shark and Pups x 3 (Resin & Pewter Kit)


SKU: DSM4802 Categories: ,

Dave Summers


Resin & Pewter

All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

Tony DiTerlizzi Masterworks
Adult Land Shark and Pups x 3 (Resin & Pewter Kit) – DSM4802
Sculpted by Dave Summers
This kit contains a resin adult land shark with two different dorsal fin choices included in the kit – both options are shown below (raised and lowered dorsal fin). It also contains the three pewter land shark pups shown. You can scroll down below to get a size comparison picture that was taken by Dave Summers when he was sculpting the piece up next to another DiTerlizzi Masterworks human sized miniature (she is not included in the kit).

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

The Female Rogue miniature is included in this picture to show the large size of the Land Shark. It is not included with this kit and is for size comparison purposes only.

Artwork by Tony DiTerlizzi