Thank you so much - all of my figures arrived safe and sound. And so fast - you guys do such a great job.

Bronze Dragon


SKU: DSM7033 Categories: ,

Andrew Pieper



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

Visions in Fantasy – DSM7033 – Bronze Dragon
Sculpted by Andrew Pieper

This is the ninth of our Dragon of the Month series – our fourth metallic dragon in the series. The kindness/intelligence of this Bronze Dragon just really take this piece to the next level. Each dragon was designed to have an old school look and feel, while being cast in high quality resin.

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy