Just wanted to drop you a quick note after receiving my most recent purchase from Dark Sword Miniatures. As always the service was great, the transaction easy, and the products even better than expected. Hands down your company delivers the absolute best in the industry!

Dire Wolf Diorama



Dave Summers



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

George R.R. Martin Masterworks
Dire Wolf Diorama – DSM5101
Sculpted by Dave Summers

Our first look at the Dire Wolves as puppies next to their dead mother as they were found right away in Book 1 of the series. Notice the broken off antler lodged up through the bottom of the throat in the middle off all the blood on the snow. The snow drift is up over the back-side of the dead mother wolf. You can also see a little lone White Dire Wolf off to the right…

Painted by Matt Verzani

This is a 95% complete Work in Progress shot before the blood was added in. This allows you to see the detail of the broken antler lodged up in the throat and also the broken off parts of it.

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Matt Verzani

A nice size comparison shot of Jon Snow next to the Dire Wolf diorama of the dead mother and the Dire Wolf Puppies.

Painted by Matt Verzani

Another size comparison shot of Jon Snow next to the Dire Wolf diorama of the dead mother and the Dire Wolf Puppies.