I received my miniatures. They are superbly crafted. I have been purchasing Rackham miniatures, in the stores I frequent. I must say that the quality of the miniatures you folks just sent me is superior to any miniature I have seen.

Early Snow – Female Witch/Mage


SKU: DSM1115 Categories: ,

Dennis Mize



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

Elmore Masterworks – DSM1115 – Early Snow – Female Witch/Mage
Sculpted by Dennis Mize

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Matt Verzani

Laurent from Fenryll Miniatures out of France sent in a bunch of Set # 3 pics from one of the top painters in France named Louis Lamarre

Laurent from Fenryll Miniatures out of France sent in a bunch of Set # 3 pics from one of the top painters in France named Louis Lamarre

Painted by Anne Foerster

Painted by Anne Foerster

Painted by Susan Wachowski

Painted by Susan Wachowski

Painted by Steve Buddle

Painted by Steve Buddle

Painted by Noel Meyer

This was an entry in the 2004 Gen Con Indy Competition and took 2nd place in the DSM Mfr Award

Painted by Noel Meyer

This was an entry in the 2004 Gen Con Indy Competition and took 2nd place in the DSM Mfr Award

Painted by Noel Meyer

This was an entry in the 2004 Gen Con Indy Competition and took 2nd place in the DSM Mfr Award

A conversion from Rhonda Bender that was part of a small diorama she did for Iron Wind Metals.

Painted by Jay Berezowsky

Painted by Jay Berezowsky