Got all my figs this weekend and they are beautiful as usual! Thank you!

Elmore Baak


Out of stock

SKU: DSM6102 Categories: ,

Tom Meier



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

DSM6102 – Baak From “Shadamehr Encounters Baakesh Va” by Larry Elmore
Sculpted by Tom Meier

A Very cool giant fig called a Baak. Dark Sword Miniatures secured the rights to this piece along with a few others from the old Ral Partha Elmore line that was created in the mid-90’s. Tom Meier sculpted this giant and we felt we could not improve upon this piece so we negotiated to get the rights for it along with a few other large pieces.

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Dirk Stiller – won painting competition in Germany.

Painted by GhostPainter for our friends in Germany over at Miniaturenland.

This most impressive diorama was created and painted by Randy Pavatte

Sculpted by Tom Meier (Baak) and Jeff Grace (all the other miniatures)

Randy writes: “In all I used 8 Dark Sword figures….the Baak creature and seven figures. Five of them are Wildlings, but the other two I chose to depict as a father and son. My inspiration for the scene was the father and son seeking revenge against the Baak for some terrible wrong, and the Wildlings joining their quest for their own reasons. The unity of the group against such a terrible adversary makes the scene appear more credible. I used a 54mm ancient Roman ruins set for the scenery, which I thought suited the figures. Each piece was treated like a separate work, so I could get the best quality in them as I’m able. The Baak was great fun, and I hope you like my version. It resembles at least one I’d seen on your site.” “It was entered in a 5-state regional model contest in April, where it won first place in dioramas. I then took it for display at my own local contest in Houston, where I was pleased to see it get lots of attention. I got to tell quite a few folks about your company. “

Painted by MPengle on CMON

Painted by TuffSkull MK II (CMON)

Painted by Paintme on CMON

We did a shot so you could see how HUGE this Beastie is! Simply Massive!