This is one of the bigger giants ever produced. Dark Sword Miniatures secured the rights to this piece along with a few others from the old Ral Partha Elmore line that was created in the mid-90’s. Dave Summers sculpted this giant and we felt we could not improve upon this piece so we negotiated to get the rights for it along with a few other large pieces.
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
A fun conversion on the barrel.
Mr. Croft from the U.K. had a friend of his do this piece up for him.
Mr. Croft from the U.K. had a friend of his do this piece up for him.
Another painted version of this truly massive giant.
We did a few shots so you could see how HUGE this Beastie is!
Simply Massive!