George R.R. Martin Masterworks
Euron Greyjoy – DSM5044
This might be Jeff’s best sculpt to date. He nailed it in my opinion. George loved it and had this to say: " Best version of him I’ve seen, better than any of the paintings, drawings, digital art, etc." We have Euron with two options. One with the massive Hellhorn which kills the man who blows it (no he has not blown the horn, he is simpy holding it) and one holding a coin purse in case anyone wants to use him as a rogue type. I think Matt Verzani will do an amazing job painting him up with the Hellhorn. Jess painted him up as a proper rogue holding the coin purse.
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Jessica Rich
Painted by Jessica Rich
Painted by Jessica Rich