We have many size comparison shots and group shots below. Check them out.

Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
Painted by Matt Verzani
Size Comparison Shot of Jon Snow and The Hound
Painted by Matt Verzani
Size Comparison Shot of Jon Snow and The Night’s Watch – How cool do they all look standing together ?
Painted by Matt Verzani
A most excellent diorama of Jon Snow and some Night’s Watch brothers.
Painted by David Granado from Spain (Efesto on CMON)
Painted by Primeval – CMON
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Tom really is working on showcasing the different sizes of each character for this line. The Hound is around 6 feet 6 inches tall and pretty imposing. Jon Snow is around 5 feet 10 inches tall at this point of the books. He is in a full crouch here and The Hound is in a slight crouch as well. This shows the side by side difference between these two characters. And just think – The Mountain will make the Hound seem like a puppy as he is around 7 feet 7 inches tall!
Jon Snow
This is the first GRRM Dark Sword mini Tom sculpted up. We just had to start off with Jon Snow. It would not have seemed right to do it any other way.
Jon Snow
Jon Snow