There is a loooong story behind this piece – almost 4 years in the making. I was never totally happy with the first version of Lyria from Elmore Masterworks Set # 1 as the horse body was a little too long and bulky when compared to the female torso. Yes, I had my George Lucas moment with Elmore Masterworks Set # 1 rather than just leaving it alone. Dennis Mize did three different versions over a couple years of an updated horse body before he passed away and there were small issues with all of them that we were going to address. Well, the time to address them never came (this was a back-burner type project all the way vs. sculpting new minis for Dark Sword) as Dennis Mize passed away much too early – he was doing the best work of his career for Dark Sword. Dave Summers was kind enough to work on the best version of the bunch and do some tweaks to get it ready for production (he even included a little tribute to Dennis on the updated piece). So this version is the way I wanted her to look all along. Much more in balance. A comparison pic is also included down below so you can see what I am talking about with the larger horse body from the original. I will keep the first version in production for those folks that wish to have both versions. This new version is by far the superior version though as it is very sleek when compared to the original.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
You can really see the length of the horse body differences here from the base of the tail. Also notice the thickness difference between the two horse bodies. Please note – the female torso is the original torso and bow.