Melisandre – DSM5003
Lots of great painted versions of her to enjoy. Be sure to scroll down and check out an amazing Diorama by Anne Foerster and another painted version from Noel Meyer.

Painted by Jen Haley
Miss Haley did a variant take on the color scheme for this piece per the direction of George – and my jaw hit the floor when I first saw it. Simply amazing stuff I say…
Painted by Jen Haley
Painted by Jen Haley
Painted by Jen Haley
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Ali really nailed this piece. When she showed me it, I told her that this would have to be the first official painted piece for the GRRM line even though she painted it on her own after getting a master copy off of me at Gen Con Indy this year. George like the piece so much he gave her a shout out on his live journal.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Ali really nailed this piece. When she showed me it, I told her that this would have to be the first official painted piece for the GRRM line even though she painted it on her own after getting a master copy off of me at Gen Con Indy this year. George like the piece so much he gave her a shout out on his live journal.
Painted by Alison Bailey.
Painted by Viking Lodge Studios
Painted by Gautier for Miniareal
Painted by Gautier for Miniareal
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
An amazing dual-sided diorama that Anne Foerster took the 1st place GRRM Dark Sword Mfr. prize with at Gen Con Indy 2008.
Painted by Anne Foerster
Sculpted by Tom Meier (mini only)
Painted by Matt Verzani
1st Place – Dark Sword / GRRM Masterworks Sub-Category – Gen Con 2009
Painted by Sonya Taulia
This was a very impressive piece to see in person.
1st Place – Dark Sword / GRRM Masterworks Sub-Category – Gen Con 2009
Painted by Sonya Taulia
Painted by Noel Meyer
Painted by Noel Meyer
Painted by Noel Meyer
Painted by Noel Meyer
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Inked with Reaper Master Series Paints
Dark Sword loves producing female fantasy miniatures. It is what we are known for you could say. With that being said, we will be doing quite a few of the main female characters right out of the gate. The Red Witch was our first…
Dark Sword loves producing female fantasy miniatures. It is what we are known for you could say. With that being said, we will be doing quite a few of the main female characters right out of the gate. The Red Witch was our first…