I just got back into town from the holidays and received your package. The products from your company were amazing and I began working on them immediately.




Jeff Grace



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

George R. R. Martin Masterworks
Rattleshirt – Lord of the Bones – Wildling – DSM5022

Sculpted by Jeff Grace

Jeff Grace had a good deal of fun with this piece as the different bones, skulls and such were fun to research and sculpt up. I really dig the bone axe. He is wearing the top of a Giant’s skull for a helm.

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Matt Verzani

Painted by Gautier for Miniareal

Painted by Gautier for Miniareal

Painted by Gautier for Miniareal

Painted by Dave Gulcyznski

I like the variant positioning of the axe arm on this version that Dave painted up.