Your site and figures are very appreciated in France. I'm really impatient to receive your figures.

Rosloff the Wererat – Human Form


SKU: DSM4637 Categories: ,

Dave Summers



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

Tony DiTerlizzi Masterworks
Rosloff the Wererat – Human Form – DSM4637
Sculpted by Dave Summers

Tony DiTerlizzi created a fun back story for this miniature in case you wanted to use it as an NPC (Non Player Character) in one of your games or help build up the world you are creating with your miniatures.

Roslof once ran an illegal bar that catered to thieves and miscreants. But after a bloody encounter with an immense rat in his cellar, his life changed. Some call him cursed, but Roslof believes the bite left him blessed and seeks a more adventurous life.

Painted by Jessica Rich Painted by Jessica Rich Painted by Jessica Rich Artwork by Tony DiTerlizzi