Good dragons and females (witches and warriors both) are hard to find especially of such excellent quality.

Spectral Dragon


SKU: DSM7036 Categories: , ,

Andrew Pieper



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

Visions in Fantasy – DSM7036 – Spectral Dragon
Sculpted by Andrew Pieper

Please note – due to the size and weight of this miniature, it can only be shipped within the USA – any international orders for this miniature will be canceled.

This is the 12th and final entry into our Dragon of the Month series — our leader of the evil dragons – the truly massive Spectral Dragon. Andy pulled out all of the stops sculpting up this wonderful miniature. And Aaron Lovejoy then took it to another level with his amazing studio paintjob on the dragon. Size comparison pics are down towards the bottom of the page. Each dragon was designed to have an old school look and feel, while being cast in high quality resin.

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Painted by Aaron Lovejoy

Size comparison with Sir Forscale from our friends at Reaper Miniatures.

Size comparison with Sir Forscale from our friends at Reaper Miniatures.