Please note – due to the weight of this miniature, it can only be shipped within the USA – any international orders for this miniature will be canceled.
Our first good-aligned dragon is finally here. This is a Bronze Dragon from what Susan Wachowski wanted to do with the piece based on her thoughts of the B&W original artwork. This is just such a great paintjob from Susan Wachowski. She really loved working on this beastie and wants to do another version soon. James Wapple painted it up for the collection of Rick Rausch as a Silver Dragon. And the latest version is a Sue diorama she did for Dark Sword collector – David Hannam. Dave really did another outstanding job on this piece. Each wing is two pieces that will fit together nicely to give a half folded effect. Larry loves this piece….as a matter of fact he thinks this is the best dragon ever done based on his artwork. Full B&W Elmore artwork is down below along with metal pics and size comps. There is a new painted version of this beastie down below as well. I have received many questions on the size of our dragons so here are the dimensions: Length: 6 inches (or 154mm), Height: 6.25 inches (or 160mm), Weight: 2 pounds of pewter
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Wow….There are really no other words….except maybe stunning…. Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by Susan Wachowski for the collection of David Hannam
Painted by James Wapple for the collection of Rick Rausch
This is one pretty amazing piece of art. Painted by James Wapple for the collection of Rick Rausch
This is one pretty amazing piece of art.Painted by James Wapple for the collection of Rick Rausch
This is one pretty amazing piece of art.Painted by James Wapple for the collection of Rick Rausch
This is one pretty amazing piece of art.Painted by James Wapple for the collection of Rick Rausch
This is one pretty amazing piece of art.Painted by James Wapple for the collection of Rick Rausch
This is one pretty amazing piece of art. Painted by Meg Maples
Painted by Meg Maples
Painted by Susan Wachowski
Sue did one smokin’ hot job on this piece. Painted by Susan Wachowski
Painted by Susan Wachowski
Painted by Susan Wachowski
Painted by Susan Wachowski
Painted by Susan Wachowski
Painted by Susan Wachowski
Painted by Susan Wachowski
A very cool take on our Elmore Dragons Set # 5 miniature by GhostPainter (CMON name) for Miniaturenland in Germany. The lighting effects and the eyes on this beastie are just scary good…
Painted by Dirk Stiller
Painted by Dirk Stiller
Painted by Dirk Stiller
Painted by Dirk Stiller
Painted by Dirk Stiller
Painted by Dirk Stiller
This is a very large and tall dragon. It also has the large two piece folded wings similar to Set # 4 (but this dragon has four lower wing spikes on his wings where Set # 4 only has three lower wing spikes on each wing).
Such a noble looking dragon.
A very noble (almost cocky) face for this beastie.
A very noble (almost cocky) face for this beastie.
Early green shot with the Green Witch mini in for size comparisons.