I received my miniatures. They are superbly crafted. I have been purchasing Rackham miniatures, in the stores I frequent. I must say that the quality of the miniatures you folks just sent me is superior to any miniature I have seen.

Tyrion Lannister



Tom Meier



All miniatures are 28mm Heroic Gaming Scale unless otherwise noted, come unpainted, and may require minor assembly. The painted miniature examples are for inspiration only.

George R. R. Martin Masterworks
Tyrion Lannister – DSM5027

Sculpted by Tom Meier

The man, the myth, the half-pint legend – Tyrion Lannister sculpted up by Tom Meier. Please note that the green pics are of he 54mm version of Tyrion (even in the "54mm scale" he is in the low 30mm range because Tyrion has dwarfism of course). The painted pics from Miss Marike Reimer and Miss Jen Haley are of the 28mm version (which is REALLY small as you will see in the comparison pics).

Painted by Marike Reimer

Painted by Marike Reimer

Painted by Marike Reimer

Painted by Marike Reimer

That is one big penny…no wait – Mr. Tyrion is just that small…

Painted by Marike Reimer

Painted by Marike Reimer

Painted by Jen Haley

Please note that the base used on this painted version is not the base that comes with Tyrion. Tom Meier sculpted a flagstone base for Tyrion much like the Lannister Lady in Waiting base except circular vs a sqaure.

Painted by Jen Haley

Painted by Sam – aka: DemonElf3 on CMON

This depicts his arrival at Winterfell.

A very cool diorama from Hefesto on CMON

Miniatures sculpted by Tom Meier

Painted by Gautier for Miniareal

Painted by Gautier for Miniareal

Painted by Gautier for Miniareal

Tom sculpted up Tyrion looking up at someone with a quizzical look on his face – arched eyebrow included of course.